What should you read After Fifty Shades Of Grey?! I have something even better ;) 

Hey Sexy ladies,

These books are better than Fifty Shades Of Grey!

Sylvia Day is a amazing author I love All her books, but this book series is the best.

You will not be disappointed. I promise !!

If you are looking for something else to read because you finished Fifty Shades Of Grey. I can recommend these books, I love them sooo much !!

I was running around a bookstore in London after I finished the Fifty Shades Of Grey books and I wanted more. Nothing beats reading a good book.

So here you have it! ENJOY !!

The books have romance, drama, intrigues, thrills and hot steamy sex and the story is really good.

Here is the link to where you can order them:


The Crossfire series follows the emotional and romantic journey of Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell.

There are four books in the series the first two are on the photo.

The 1st book is called Bared To You (Crossfire)

The 2nd book is called Reflected In You (Crossfire)

The 3rd boook is called Entwined With You (Crossfire)

The 4th book is called Captivated By You (Crossfire)

When you start reading the first book, you will be so intrigued, that you will keep reading until you finish all four.  I suggest you order them all at once.

ENJOY xoxox


Get Your Glam On ;)


Getting glammed up is my Saturday routine in London 😉

I live right next to Selfriges in Mayfair and my makeup artist is based at MAC – So I swing by every Saturday and she does her work of art on my face. It is a good way to start my evening. A great way to get into the mode! 🙂

I can definitely recommend having a good make up artist to help you out when you need new make up ideas, or for when you need to be pampered and spoiled.

I am educated as a beautician so I know what I am doing when I apply my make up. But I love to be pampered, like ALL women do. 🙂

The weekend is coming up – its FRIDAY – Arrange something for tomorrow if you want to join my make up routine! GET YOUR GLAM ON –  LADIES.




Be Your Own Unique Self! ( Read Why it is not always easy)


Yolo my beautiful readers 😉

Find your own style!! As a model or in Life.

Do not copy anybody else, you are your own unique self and nobody in the world is like you. Use it, be proud of it, be YOU!!

I promise you there is a bigger chance you will reach your goals and dreams, if you are strong enough to be yourself, do not be scared of being different, if you feel you are different – own it. People are intrigued with anything that is out of the ordinary and unique, it lies in our nature as human beings, we are curious creatures.

I always felt I was a different girl. I have always had different opinions, a different look – being mixed and having a huge hair. My sense of fashion and clothes is different. I am very intuitive, a deep thinker and very good at adapting to my surroundings and cluing people out.

Being a smart woman and having a look that attracts attention is great, but there is a downside to it. Many people will see you as a threat, especially women. Finding girls/women that have enough confidence to be your friend and not be threatened by the attention you get from people, has not been easy to find.

I am lucky to have amazing friends. Having strong friends is very essential for me, in My Life!! What is life without family and friends 😉 – NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE.. in my opinion. 😉

I have been hurt and disappointment more than usual when it comes to female friendships. So now I am cautious before I let new people into my life.

When I was younger, I had bad experiences where I trusted the wrong people. But I quickly learned not to be naive.

I have a good friend that studies psychology. He told me: ‘ Men will be jealous of loosing you, and women will be jealous of the way men look at you’ – That has been my only curse.

But I can’t complain – I know I am a blessed, lucky girl – with a wonderful life.

I started to appreciate my big hair and looks when I was around 13 – 14 years old. Before that time, I was a shy girl, it was difficult looking different growing up in Denmark. I wanted long straight hair, like all the other girls in my class at my school. At the time I always had my hair scraped back in a tight bun, hiding my curls. I never showed any of my class mates, how big my hair really was. I was the only girl in my class with curly hair and a permanent tan 😉 haha

Now I embrace it – to the fullest! I Love my big hair, it is part of my personality and I can’t imagine life without it.

Anyway – Anyone out there that is reading my blog and feels like he or she is different and doesn’t fit in or belong! All I can say is – own it – be you – do not be scared of being different in anyway!! Be proud of your roots, race, looks, personality, sexuality and gender, no matter how different it might be.

You are your own unique self. Be Proud! XOXO

Gluten-free Protein Pancakes



Tips and helpful hints

In my experience, the best protein is WARRIOR BLEND (purchase here: http://tinyurl.com/nkvk2vr) which is a patented, plant-based mix of protein and coconut oil. The product is free of solvents, GMOs, radiation, artificial colors, and preservatives, and doesn’t contain any animal components nor milk, egg, gluten, soya, sugar, wheat, and yeast  which makes it ideal for people suffering from lactose intolerance, vegans and vegetarians.


Gluten-free pancakes


2 eggs

2 egg whites

2 tablespoons of cottage cheese

1 scoop (30 g) of protein powder (or use oat meal, almond flour, coconut flour, gluten-free flour or similar)

1 very ripe banana (mashed)

A bit of cocoa powder

Coconut oil for cooking


Whisk the egg and egg whites together then add the rest of the ingredients.

Cook the batter in a pan (high heat) for approximately 30 to 60 seconds until they start to bubble around the edges, and flip. Cook for another minute.

Use curds or some berries as trimmings. You can also mix the curds with cinnamon or cocoa powder. Pour a bit of honey – or stevia – on top.



Et par gode råd og fif

Min erfaring er, at det bedste proteinpulver er WARRIOR BLEND (kan bl.a. købes her: http://www.bodyman.dk/shop/warriorblend-vegansk-21071p.html), som er en patenteret blanding af planteprotein (ærte-, hamp- og tranebærprotein) samt kokosolie. Produktet er uden nogen former for animalske produkter og indeholder heller ikke mælk, æg, gluten, soja, sukker, hvede og gær, hvilket gør det velegnet blandt andet til laktose-allergiker, veganer og vegetarer.


Glutenfri pandekager


2 hele æg

2 æggehvider

2 spsk. hytteost

1 scoop proteinpulver (30 g). (Kan undlades, brug i stedet havregryn, mandelmel, kokosmel, glutenfri mel eller andet)

1 meget moden banan (most)

Lidt kakaopulver

Kokosolie til stegning

Sådan gør du:

Pisk æg og æggehvider sammen og tilsæt herefter de øvrige ingredienser

Varm en lille pande og steg pandekagerne

Som tilbehør kan bruges skyr og lidt bær. Bland eventuelt skyren med kanelpulver eller kakaopulver; hæld meget lidt honning eller sirup udover – stevia kan også bruges i stedet for.


See The Photos From My First Photoshoot ever!! – and find out how I started to model! ;) chapter 1

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Hey boys and girls,

Check out some pictures from my first photo shoot ever 😉

My girlfriend was playing around with her new camera, because she wanted to become a photographer and she used me as her model.

I sent these photos to different model agencies in Denmark and that is how my career got started!

It grew from there when I moved to London and joined even better model agencies.

See the rest of the photos later this week.. 😉 enjoy muaaaaaaaaah xoxox